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Election Day

One of my favorite and least-favorite days of the school year is Student Council Election Day. Yes, we are proud of all of the candidates. Yes, they all did a great job creating posters, writing and delivering speeches, and exhibiting good sportsmanship. Yes, I am proud to see our 4th grade students running the election.

Yet, inevitably, at the end of the day, there were winners and losers. Tears were shed, (by the non-winners and me!), hearts broken, and dreams dashed.

However, I prefer to view the outcome this way. If a student ran, they won. They took a chance and put themselves out there. By running, they took responsibility. They showed they cared enough for The Hebrew Academy to risk losing.

So, if a candidate didn’t win a position on the Student Council Officers on Tuesday, November 5th, kol hakavod! Well done! Thank you for being an important part of the election and democratic process. And thank you for being gracious candidates after the results were tallied.

We would like to congratulate the following Student Council elected this year. We know you will do great things and will make us proud!

President – Hailey Natenzon, V.P. – Aaron Freud, Treasurer – Izzy Arroyo, Secretary – Sammy Fields

Yasher Koach to the other candidates: Coby Devora, (President), Sydney Webber, (Secretary), Mitchell Feldman, (Treasurer), and Aviva Schonbrun, (V.P.). These students were offered positions as class representatives on the Student Council.

Toddah Rabbah to Student Council Advisor, Mr. Sam Levine and mrs. Lucy Klinek. A big thank you to our 4th grade class, who conducted the elections, under the guidance of Mrs. Susan Markowitz.

May each of our candidates go from strength to strength!

Shabbat Shalom,

Yoti Yarhi

Head of School

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