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Summer, 2024
Sivan/Tamuz/Av 5784

Dear Reich Hebrew Academy Families,

I am very pleased to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year!

At both school and home, we teach our children that Judaism values acts of generosity,
good deeds and loving-kindness. One way to encourage such acts amongst students and
members of the entire school community is through the Board of Trustees created
Chesed (or good deeds) program. This program asks that each family donate community
service hours to our school. Along with your child’s contribution through community
service projects, YOU as parents will be able to demonstrate to your children and all of
our families the important Jewish values of generosity, good deeds and loving-kindness
by being able to perform them, in person, at school (or at one of our off-site programs)
once again.

Below please find a summary of the Chesed Program:

Chesed Hours FAQ:

What is each family’s Chesed Commitment?
Each family is asked to complete a minimum of five (5) hours of community service to
our school per year through school-sponsored events.

When must these hours be completed?
Chesed Hours must be completed by June 20, 2025.

How can I volunteer?
There are numerous opportunities to donate your time throughout the school year.
Many parents meet the requirement through their valuable volunteering at PTO and
Board sponsored events. Please refer to all school communications for opportunities.

Where can I find out about volunteering at these events?
All events are listed on the school calendars, our secure website, in the weekly email
blast, social media, text messaging, and the Friday MaNishma? In addition, the Board of
Trustees and PTO are available to help you find ways to fulfill your commitment.
Contact the chairperson of each event either through e-mail or the school office.

Are there any events that are not eligible for Chesed Hours?
Yes, serving as a class trip chaperone due to limited volunteers required.

How do I keep track of my Chesed Hours?
Each family is responsible for reporting its own hours to the school office within 24
hours after the event. Hours must be submitted via the online submission form which is
located under the Parent Lounge/Current Families/Chesed dropdown menu on our
website. Once a family has satisfied its obligation, additional hours need not be
reported, although we encourage everyone to volunteer beyond the minimum five (5)
hours. This is what the form looks like:
Name: ___________________
Event: ___________________
Date of Event: _____________
Hours Volunteered: ________

Will there be someone who will remind me of my completed Chesed hours?

The school will send you a spring report of your Chesed hours.

Who should I call if I have questions about the Chesed Program and/or policy?

Feel free to email me at if you have any questions about this
program or need help in fulfilling your requirement.

What if I am unable to complete the minimum of five (5) hours?
A family that fails to complete the required number of hours is obligated to this
commitment at a rate of $54/hour, or $270 for the year, which sum is due on the last
day of school. Failure to meet your commitment of time or fees for the year may result in
the child’s report card and/or graduation documents being held. It is preferable,
however, that you donate your time.

We are looking forward to an exciting and productive year filled with many service and
community building events.

Shari Steinfeld
President, Board of Trustees

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